How do you approach the creative brief and concept development process when starting a new project?

by alberta_steuber , in category: Arts , a year ago

How do you approach the creative brief and concept development process when starting a new project?

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2 answers


by dedrick , a year ago


When starting a new project, my approach to the creative brief and concept development process begins with careful research and analysis of the client's industry and target audience. This helps me to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities at hand, and informs the direction of the creative brief. I also spend time brainstorming ideas with members of my team and soliciting feedback from the client to ensure that the concept aligns with their goals and vision. From there, I narrow down the most promising ideas and refine them until I have a clear and compelling concept that will resonate with the audience and achieve the desired results. Throughout the process, I remain focused on creativity, innovation, and practicality, and constantly seek to develop ideas that are both visually stunning and effective in achieving the desired outcomes.


by telly , a year ago


When starting a new project, I approach the creative brief and concept development process by first thoroughly reviewing the brief and identifying the key objectives and target audience of the project. Once I have a clear understanding of these factors, I typically begin with brainstorming sessions and research in order to generate a variety of potential ideas and concepts.

From there, I usually start to refine and narrow down the concepts based on their feasibility, relevance to the brief, and potential impact on the target audience. I also like to gather feedback and input from other team members or stakeholders as needed, in order to ensure that the concept is aligned with the overall vision and objectives of the project.

Once the concept has been finalized, I then work to develop a plan for executing the idea and bringing it to life, which includes outlining specific tactics or strategies that will help to achieve the desired outcomes. Throughout the entire process, I always remain open to new ideas and perspectives, and am willing to adapt or pivot as needed in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the project.