How do you handle medication errors or discrepancies in a pharmacy, including reporting and documenting incidents?


by dawn , in category: Healthcare , 2 years ago

How do you handle medication errors or discrepancies in a pharmacy, including reporting and documenting incidents?

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1 answer

by tressie.klein , 2 years ago


When asked about handling medication errors or discrepancies in a pharmacy during an interview, it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the seriousness of these incidents and your commitment to ensuring patient safety. Here is a possible response to this question:

"First and foremost, preventing medication errors and discrepancies is a top priority for me. However, in the event that one does occur, my first step would be to immediately inform the supervising pharmacist and the patient, if necessary, and take appropriate action to ensure the patient's safety.

Depending on the nature of the incident, I would document the error or discrepancy according to the pharmacy's policies and procedures. This may include filling out an incident report form and documenting the medication error in the patient's medical record. It is essential to provide accurate and detailed documentation of the event to help prevent similar errors from happening in the future.

If necessary, I would also follow up with the patient to ensure that they are aware of the error and its impact on their treatment plan. In addition, I would work with the supervising pharmacist and other healthcare providers to develop a plan to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Finally, I would participate in ongoing education and training to stay up-to-date on medication safety practices and remain vigilant in preventing medication errors and discrepancies."