Describe your experience with providing medication information and instructions to patients, including dosage, administration, and potential side effects.


by shawn , in category: Healthcare , a year ago

Describe your experience with providing medication information and instructions to patients, including dosage, administration, and potential side effects.

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1 answer


by shane , a year ago


When answering this interview question, you can provide specific examples from your previous experience where you have provided medication information and instructions to patients. Here's an example response:

"In my previous role as a pharmacy technician, I had the opportunity to provide medication information and instructions to patients regularly. When a patient would come to pick up their prescription, I would first verify that they understood the medication they were receiving, the dosage, and how to properly administer it. I would explain any potential side effects and what to do if they experienced any adverse reactions.

For example, one patient had been prescribed a new medication that had a possible side effect of dizziness. I explained to the patient that they should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until they knew how the medication would affect them. I also recommended that they take the medication with food to reduce the risk of nausea.

Another patient was prescribed a medication that required them to take it at a specific time of day. I provided detailed instructions on how to properly take the medication and emphasized the importance of following the dosing schedule.

Overall, I have found that patients are often grateful for the information and instructions provided, as it helps them better understand their medications and ultimately leads to better health outcomes."